[主照片:Hana Kaur Mangat CC ' 22和Areej Qadeer ' 23]

在过去的一年里,卫生专业人员已经 记录 that different communities across the United States have been unequally impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, further highlighting the country’s racial and health disparities at a time when the reckoning over structural racism has led many to describe 2020 as a year of “twin pandemics.”


受到这些差异的影响, 22岁的Hana Kaur Mangat和23岁的Areej Qadeer希望他们的教育重点是实施变革. Mangat, 学习教育和城市研究的大三学生, 和卡迪尔, 医学预科专业城市研究和公共卫生专业的大二学生, 加入历史教授 Premilla Nadasen’s 流行病故事:与移民工人的精心对话 当然,一部分 十大电竞游戏综合排名参与纽约:合作伙伴关系促进可持续变革安德鲁·W. 梅隆 基金会. Mangat, Qadeer and nine other students in the seminar collaborated with the 纽约市-based community organization 达马扬移民工人协会 to uplift the stories of 纽约’s Filipino migrant workers who have struggled during the pandemic with hardships like cut hours, 裁员, 由于他们的非法身份,他们缺乏政府的经济救济. 作为课程的高潮,学生们创造了一个 报告 这将被发布并在公开场合分享 虚拟世界十大电子游戏平台 4月17日.

Premilla Nadasen教授
Premilla Nadasen教授

“这门课是校园社区参与的典范,不是榨取性的, 在这种情况下,我们的社区合作伙伴发挥带头作用,我们能够向他们学习,纳达森说. “我们必须继续寻找弥合学术与活动人士之间鸿沟的方法, 想办法让我们的专业知识和技能发挥作用. 它帮助我们正确看待一切.”
在这个Q中&A, Mangat 和卡迪尔 share what they learned during the course and what they are looking forward to in their public event. 


Hana Kaur Mangat: 让我印象深刻的是大流行的主题. 我认为这是因为COVID-19颠覆了每个人的生活, 尤其是对纽约人的影响如此之大, I was really excited that I could take a class that wouldn’t ignore that or have that on the periphery but that would [make it] the main subject matter of the course. 我也很幸运地参加了之前的课程,这也是十大电竞游戏综合排名接合的一部分, and I really liked that students partnered with an organization that the professor has a long-standing relationship with. I felt like the type of learning that was occurring in that environment was incredible and [something] I couldn’t find in many other places. 

Areej卡迪尔: I came into college [wanting] to study health equity and how healthcare disparities function differently in urban environments specifically. 然后大流行发生了, and all these statistics came out [about COVID-19 health disparities] — which I also [discuss] in my global health 播客. 当我看到十大电竞游戏综合排名开设这门课时, specifically about real-life experiences and how a minority group was disproportionately affected by the pandemic, 我知道这是我非常感兴趣的东西。. 我记得在这门课的申请上, 其中一个问题是, 你如何练习去中心化自己? 从这个问题中我可以看出,这门课将是一种社区合作. 

你在这门课中学到了什么, 你认为你会受到怎样的影响, 前进, 通过与Damayan合作?


卡迪尔: 因为这门课的合作性质, 我学到了很多关于如何在一个项目中所有参与方都是平等的. Riya Ortiz和Jules Grifferty他们是达马扬的领袖,几乎参加了我们所有的课程. 他们总是存在于我们所做的任何决定中, whether it’s how we want the 报告 to run or pursuing a side project that a student wants to do. 在我们所做的工作中真的感觉没有等级制度, 我们都在努力相互支持,为农民工发声. 

Mangat: I’ve learned so much about the power that Barnard and Columbia have in terms of telling the stories of New Yorkers and putting out policy recommendations. 认识到这一点对我来说真的很棒, 尤其是在我即将进入大四的时候, 我很高兴在我还活着的时候意识到了这一点. (菲律宾移民)社区长期以来一直被忽视, 当他们是必不可少的工人, 他们是纽约人, 他们有自己的故事. 听到并意识到这个社区被沉默了,真是太令人沮丧了, 但同时也见证了他们的韧性, 观察他们的社区组织, 能够以任何方式放大它都是一种特权.

How do the curated conversations that are a part of your project center the voices of people who have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19, and what have you learned about the pandemic’s impact on migrant workers in 纽约 from your interviews?

卡迪尔: 在面试之前, 我们上了如何进行面试的课, 因为这里的目标不仅仅是提取信息并发布它. We had a professional storyteller come to our class to teach us how to have meaningful conversations without [critiquing] what the other person is saying and moderate the conversation properly. The interview team worked with our professor to create a guide of questions that everybody could ask in their 30-minute interviews, 关于(移民)住房的问题, 食物, 日常生活的其他方面也受到了影响. We coordinated interviews in group chats with the interviewee and with people who work at Damayan so that it felt more like a partnership. 


Mangat: 我认为我们现在正处于一个挑战之中, 因为我们是决赛队伍, 我们计划在期末考试期间举办一场大型活动. 但我想说,最有价值的部分之一是我们与Damayan的社区伙伴关系. 我觉得蕾雅和朱尔斯就像导师一样, 因为他们教会了我们他们的社区组织和活动策划技巧. 我也想到了我们能够建立的关系, Damayan成员和我们的受访者. My interviewee was so vulnerable with me that she was able to openly tell me about some of the most challenging parts of last year for her. 要有那种程度的信任, 沟通, 与Damayan及其成员的合作是如此有益.

卡迪尔: I agree that the main challenge right now is that this is a really high-stress class because there’s so much work to do, 我并不是指不好的意思. My stress is towards [making sure] the event is good because everybody has poured their hearts and souls into it, 我想确保没有人的故事被错误处理或误解. I wouldn’t even call [Pandemic Tales] a class; I feel like it’s a professional experience because I have learned so much. 在每次会议上, 我从(Damayan的领袖)那里学到了很多如何成为领袖和社区组织者, 如果你称自己为领导, 你对团队的责任是什么. 



Mangat: The main goal of the 报告 is to tell the stories of Filipino migrant workers and how they’ve been impacted by the pandemic. 这也是为了记录, 量化, and celebrate the work that Damayan has been doing and to look at it as an impact 报告 of Damayan’s work in the community. 特别是在大流行期间, 还要在更大的背景下思考菲律宾人的抵抗和韧性. 

卡迪尔: 这份报告是我们这学期工作的高潮, but the goal of the event is also to spotlight what Damayan has already done and what they’re planning to do in the future. 除了报告的中心, 我们还会让一些受访者在演讲中讲述他们的故事. 所以这次活动突出了我们班和Damayan之间的合作关系, 以及达马扬在更大范围内的所作所为, 即使在大流行之外. 

*为了篇幅和清晰度,回答经过了编辑. 点击这里阅读报告全文.

- solby lim ' 22



Damayan holding an in-person 食物 and financial distribution for Filipino community members in the backyard of Elmhurst Baptist Church in Queens, 纽约. 大约100人确认将得到食品和经济援助,但只有300人出席. 图片来源:Damayan移民工人协会

Damayan lead organizer Riya Ortiz giving instructions to Filipino community members waiting to receive 食物 and financial assistance in the backyard of Elmhurst Baptist Church in Queens, 纽约. 图片来源:Damayan移民工人协会

Damayan volunteers waiting to distribute 食物 assistance to Filipino community members in the backyard of Elmhurst Baptist Church in Queens, 纽约. 图片来源:Damayan移民工人协会

Damayan Communications Coordinator Jules Grifferty holding a Damayan flag in front of Filipino community members waiting to receive 食物 and financial assistance in the backyard of Elmhurst Baptist Church in Queens, 纽约. 图片来源:Damayan移民工人协会

Damayan organizers and volunteers posing after the 食物 and financial distribution for Filipino community members in the backyard of Elmhurst Baptist Church in Queens, 纽约, 2020年9月. 图片来源:Damayan移民工人协会

食品包裹正等着送到住在皇后区的菲律宾社区成员手中, 纽约, 当时它是全球大流行的中心. 图片来源:Damayan移民工人协会

Damayan lead organizer Riya Ortiz delivering 食物 packages to Filipino community members who lived in Queens, 纽约, 当时它是全球大流行的中心. 图片来源:Damayan移民工人协会

Damayan lead organizer Riya Ortiz delivering a 食物 package to an elderly Filipina community member in Queens, 纽约, 当时它是全球大流行的中心. 图片来源:Damayan移民工人协会